Groundbreaking has finally happened on the Dutch Slough restoration project
in the Delta that we toured with John Cain (whose idea for the project
dates back to 1998). John showed us the project site when we crossed California, 10 years ago (!) for our book, Traveling the
38th Parallel: a Water Line Around the World. Nice to read this update
about the project finally moving forward: Dutch Slough project underway East Bay Times article
David and Janet Carle traveled the 38th Parallel seeking water-related environmental and cultural connections. Their book, TRAVELING THE 38th PARALLEL: A WATER LINE AROUND THE WORLD was published in hardcover by the University of California Press (2013) and is now in paperback with 60 color photos and updates to 2020. They crossed through parts of the U.S., Europe, and Asia. Why 38°N? See the answer posted in September 2009.